A Remediation Products, Inc. (RPI) Trap & Treat® Technology

CAT 100 is a fusion of RPI’s BOS 100® and biotechnology; resulting in a technology capable of achieving results beyond the capabilities of either technology alone. Electron transfer is promoted as the contaminant binds to the metal creating an electrical connection extending throughout the carbon. An electron pump created by slow degradation of complex carbohydrates and peptides feeds electrons to the conductor which shuttles them to the site of depletion. In this process the metallic iron facilitates catalytic degradation of the contaminant without significant depletion of the iron. This overall cycle enables degradation of far more contaminant mass than would be estimated by simple iron demand.

The product is typically mixed with water to create a slurry that can be applied using a variety of techniques including: Direct push injection, soil mixing techniques, and trenching. It is commonly employed in plume wide treatment including source treatment and mid- and downgradient plume regions. Plume area treatment is normally accomplished using slurry injection across the impacted thickness at a number of points located using a triangular grid pattern. Effective barriers can be constructed by injection using a tight point grid layout or through trenching or soil mixing. Specialized injection techniques have been developed to address a variety of lithologic settings.

CAT 100 has been used at multiple sites in the USA and Europe impacted by NAPL and principal contaminants carbon tetrachloride and associated daughters, TCE, PCE, and a complex spectrum of halogenated and non-halogenated compounds.