Location: Former Distribution Terminal, New Jersey
Contaminants: Methylene Chloride, BTEX, TCE, MTBE, TCA
Geology: Fractured bedrock.
Pilot Program: Modified Fenton’s Reagent (MFR). Two six (6) day injection events. Inflatable straddle packers utilized.
Introduction: The subject site is a former distribution terminal located in New Jersey. Past business activities at the site resulted in groundwater (GW) and bedrock contamination with related volatile organic compounds (VOCs)…

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Location: Former Manufacturing Facility, Northern Wisconsin
Contaminants: TCE soil levels as high as 140,000 ug/kg.
Geology/ Hydrology: Site geology consists of mostly clay from 0‐15 feet bgs underlain by a mostly sand unit from 15‐30 feet bgs. Depth to water is approximately 25‐30 feet bgs.
Introduction: ISOTEC was retained to provide technical support during implementation of a in‐situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) soil mixing treatment program utilizing sodium hydroxide activated sodium…

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ISCO Treatment Program: O&G Superfund Site

Location: O&G Superfund Drum Reconditioning Site; Kingston, New Hampshire.
Contaminants: VOCs, primarily ‐ BTEX, PCE, TCE, 1,1‐DCA, & 1,4‐Dioxane., VOC levels as high as 20,000 ug/l.
Geology: Site geology consists of fine to medium sand, some silt, and trace gravel with bedrock encountered at ~18‐35 ft bgs. Depth to water is approximately 3‐6 ft bgs with flow in the southeastern direction.
Introduction: ISOTEC was retained to implement an in‐situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) treatment program at a former drum reconditioning superfund site in Kingston, New Hampshire to address impacted soil and groundwater.

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ISCR Treatment Program: Cr (VI) Reduction

Contaminants: Cr (VI) levels between 240‐1,770 mg/kg in site soils. Average Cr (VI) concentration in soils was
estimated to be 100 mg/kg for the design of the ISCR treatment program.
Geology: Site geology consists of fill material to a depth of approximately 5‐12 feet bgs consisting mostly of silty sands underlain by a 0.5‐3.0 feet thick organic peat layer encountered between 6‐12 feet bgs referred to as meadow mat. Depth to water is approximately 4 feet bgs. GW flow is to the west.

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ISCO Treatment Program: MGP Related Impacts

Location: Former Manufacturing Gas Plant, Upstate, NY
Contaminants: VOCs/ SVOCs, PAHs, TPH‐GRO, TPH‐DRO, NAPL
Geology: Site geology consists of a very thin coarse gravel and fine sand layer located in between two confining layers of silty clay. Majority of remaining COCs were believed to be present within the thin gravel/sand layer.
Introduction: ISOTEC was retained to implement an In‐Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) treatment program within the downgradient residual plume area of a former Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) site utilizing…

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EISBR Pilot Program

Location: Denitrification Demonstration Test Cape Cod, MA.
Contaminants: Nitrate
Geology: Site geology consists of mostly medium to coarse sands with gravel and silt lens. Depth to water at approximately 35 feet bgs.
Introduction: ISOTEC was retained to implement a Denitrification Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB) demonstration test for the treatment of nitrate in groundwater using Emulsified Vegetable Oil (EVO).

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ISCO Soil Mixing Program: Source Area Treatment

Location: Former Manufacturing Facility (Superfund Site); New Hampshire.
Contaminants: 1,1,1 Trichloroethane (TCA), 1,1 Dichlorethene (DCE). Geology/ Hydrology, Site geology consists of fine sand, underlain by two low permeability layers of clay and silt. Depth to water was approximately 6‐7 feet bgs. GW flow is to the southeast.
Introduction: ISOTEC, along with our teaming partner Lang Tool Company (LTC), were retained to implement an in‐situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) soil mixing treatment program utilizing Modified Fenton’s Reagent (MFR) at a Superfund Site in New Hampshire to address volatile organic compound (VOC) source area soils.

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