BOS 200® is a Trap & Treat® in situ remediation technology specifically designed to degrade petroleum hydrocarbons, related solvents, and oils. BOS 200® is a complete system affecting accelerated biodegradation of various organic compounds on an activated carbon platform that includes micro and macro nutrients, time release terminal electron acceptors, and a blend of facultative organisms designed to flourish within the aerobic to anaerobic conditions present in the pore structure of the carbon.

This technology has demonstrated to be effective with LNAPL, fuel oxygenates, alcohols, glycols, and cyclic ethers. No toxic byproducts such as sulfide are produced. The product is insensitive to groundwater geochemistry and is effective under aerobic and anaerobic conditions and over a broad range of pH. High salinity and TDS of 30,000 ppm are also not detrimental to performance.

BOS200® is typically mixed with water to create a slurry that can be applied using a variety of techniques, including: Direct push injection, soil mixing techniques, and trenching. This technology is commonly employed in plume wide treatment including treatment of LNAPL source, mid, and downgradient plume regions. Plume area treatment is normally accomplished using slurry injection across the impacted thickness at a number of points located using a triangular grid pattern.

Effective barriers can be constructed through injection by using a tight point grid layout or through trenching or soil mixing. The product is also routinely used to treat excavation residuals by spraying slurry into the pit followed by subsequent mixing into the shallow soils of the excavation floor. Specialized injection techniques have been developed to address a variety of lithologic settings, including bedrock.

BOS 200® has been successfully applied on hundreds of sites in North America and Europe since 2002, including convenience stores, bulk terminals, pipelines, natural gas wellhead and compressor stations, industrial, DOE, and DOD sites.

See how our experienced engineers and scientists can design an effective approach that will safely and successfully remediate your contaminated site.